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A Strictly Healthy Lifestyle: A Practical Possibility Or A Utopian Concept?

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A Strictly Healthy Lifestyle: A Practical Possibility Or A Utopian Concept?

Every day when we wake up, we have to make certain choices as soon as we open our eyes. Or rather, even before opening your eyes, you have to make a decision the night before: At what time should I wake up? What time should the alarm be set? What shall I eat for breakfast? At what time should I leave? All these questions and their respective answers allow an individual to maintain move make food fitness travel lifestyle, and a balanced, active lifestyle.

As you move about your day, you must make many more decisions regarding your diet, physical activity, traveling, sleep schedule, and the like. A fit and healthy person chooses a routine that is not only healthy for the body but is also better from a mental perspective. They choose a lifestyle that is balanced and healthy but still leaves room for extra activities and enjoyment. One way to achieve this target is by practicing the “Eat Move Make Food Fitness Travel Lifestyle,” where every aspect of a person’s daily routine is kept under check. Several prospects are kept in view while exercising this lifestyle. Let us delve deeper into these details.

Eat Move Make Food Fitness Lifestyle

The Eat move make food fitness lifestyle starts with a goal or a plan around which one’s life is formulated. It requires a person to eat healthily, travel as often as possible, and make exercise a part of one’s daily routine.

To maintain this eat move make food fitness travel lifestyle, the person must be active, fit, and healthy while spending a good amount of time outside. One must cut down on sugars, carbs, calories, and high-fat foods. To stay in a good frame of mind, it is recommended that a person travels to different places and explores different cultures.

In short, an eat move make food fitness lifestyle requires not only physical fitness but also mental fitness of person.

1. Brain Food

Just like your body, your brain also requires certain food items to function better. The food we consume has a direct impact on the health and functioning of the brain. Some fruits and vegetables directly enhance the functioning of the brain beneficially. Eating these foods improves your short-term as well as your long-term memory. The brain controls the body, which elucidates that the brain must stay fit and active. In the eat move make food fitness travel lifestyle, brain foods are specified and added to the daily routine of the person. These foods must also be carried along and consumed while one travels around.

Daily Routine

It is essential to incorporate brain foods to preserve a flourishing lifestyle in your daily routine. Daily, foods like fatty fish, coffee, turmeric, broccoli, nuts, and avocados can be used up and added to the daily food menu. Green leafy vegetables, seafood, lamb meat, eggs, and salmon are some nutrient-dense food items that a person consumes daily or weekly routine.

Travel Routine

When traveling, it becomes rather difficult to carry bulky stuff around, so it is more feasible to carry items like walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, or sunflower seeds. You may take them along while traveling and enjoy them on the go. Dried fruits, as well as freeze-dried vegetables, are some other options for a more filling meal while you’re traveling around.

2. Body Food

The body requires food and nutrients for its proper functioning. A healthy diet is not merely “food”; it is a source of fuel and energy for the body. Food is the building block for life as it provides the nutrients necessary for survival. This is why there should be a great emphasis on incorporating good and healthy food into one’s diet. When a person eats food, the substances in the food are broken down into the body tissues and then act as a source of energy for all sorts of physical as well as mental activities. Thus it may be said that the human body acts as an engine that digests food and releases energy, which is utilized by the body for different activities.

Daily Routine

A healthy and balanced diet consists of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Numerous foods are rich in these nutrients, and the best way to keep a fit and a healthy lifestyle are to consume these nutrients in a balanced manner. The eat move make food fitness travel lifestyle allows individuals to fulfill these dietary requirements adequately. Foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, fish, berries, and soy are good sources of these nutrients which are necessary for the body and the brain.

Travel Routine

While traveling, it becomes difficult to fulfill your body’s dietary requirements adequately due to space, time, and people restrictions. When going on a trip, you can choose to pack foods that won’t go bad too soon or won’t get soggy or mushy. When taking long trips, it is better to pack rich and resourceful snacks such as crackers, sandwiches, fruits, seeds, nuts, granola bars, yogurt, and wraps. These foods stay fresh for longer periods and do not need heating or any additional preparation, which may become problematic while traveling.

3. Sleeping Hours

Sleeping is necessary to restore your bodily function. Skipping sleep or sleeping at odd times can seriously affect your physical and mental health. No matter how young or old you are, maintaining a healthy sleep cycle is crucial for your health. While sleeping, your body remains active and starts rebuilding any muscles that might have worn down during the day while also removing any toxins that might have accumulated in the brain while you are awake. Sleeping also helps in keeping your memory intact, regulating emotion, and maintaining your circadian rhythm or biological clock. Being sleep-deprived even for a single day can seriously and adversely affect your emotional response and the ability to regulate essential bodily functions.

In Normal Routine

For an adult, the recommended sleep timings are almost 7 to 9 hours. When a person gets busy, the sleep cycle is the first thing that gets neglected, and as a result, the person might feel fatigued throughout the day. Getting an adequate amount of sleep is vital to good health, along with a healthy diet. It allows your mind and body to rest and relax while preparing you to get through the next day with ease.

While Traveling

When you’re traveling, your sleep schedule may get disturbed. When you travel quickly between two or more time zones, you may experience a condition called jet lag, where your internal clock gets disarranged and is unable to cope with the sudden change. This internal clock is responsible for signaling to your body when to stay awake and when to sleep. When traveling by car or plane, you may experience a “daze” where your body feels calm and relaxed and may start to sleep at odd times. This also affects your sleep schedule, and you are unable to sleep at your previously set time.

4. No-Carb Food Options

Carbs or carbohydrates are one of the nutrients that is essential for the human body, but only if consumed in a balanced manner. Carbohydrates are your body’s primary source of energy, and they are found in grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, milk, yogurt, pasta, bread, and baked items. Too much or too little carbohydrate intake can badly affect your health. When going on a diet, carbohydrates are among the first nutrients to be cut out of one’s diet. A no-carb or low-carb diet is practiced by many people who are health conscious. A no-carb diet resembles a ketogenic diet, where the carb intake is limited to 30 grams daily, and most of your energy is derived from fats.

In Daily Routine

In a low-carb diet, the daily carb intake is limited to 20-50 grams in a day. The foods allowed to be consumed in a low-carb diet include meat, eggs, fish, butter, cheese, water, oils, and plain tea. Some foods with a little higher carb content include nuts, seeds, high-fat fruits, and nonstarchy vegetables. Usually, in such a diet, there is no specific recommendation for portion size or daily calorie intake.

While Traveling

If you want to maintain your low-carb or no-carb diet even during your travels, you may bring along snacks such as popcorn, hard-boiled eggs, kale chips, low-fat cheese, lettuce, cucumbers, olives, nuts, and seeds. These foods have a

lower carbohydrate content and will not affect your low-carb diet planning.

5. No Sugar (Alternative Options)

A no-sugar or sugar-free diet excludes any food that may have added sugar. These foods include sugary foods such as candies, chocolates, sodas, and icecreams. Foods with natural sugars, such as fruits and vegetables, may also be restricted, but it is not recommended for a balanced diet. Sugar acts as a source of energy but does not have any nutritional value, which is the reason why the calories obtained from sugars are often called “empty calories.”

During Normal Days

Excessive intake of sugar and sugary foods is a leading cause of obesity in the world. When you eat or drink too much of these sugary substances, you may suffer from excessive weight gain and health problems. Ingredients such as brown sugar, corn syrup, glucose, fructose, honey, sucrose, and raw sugar indicate that the food item or dish has added sugar in it. Artificial sweeteners may act as alternatives to sugar, but these sweeteners have also raised some concerns for health critics, which is why it is better to avoid them. As a substitute for these foods, you may consume foods that have natural sugars, such as peaches, blueberries, bananas, avocados, cucumbers, tomatoes, hummus, almond milk, almonds, black beans, and chickpeas.

Travel Options

While traveling, packing foods with higher sugar contents is easier because they are more easily available and relatively less prone to sogginess and going bad. In such a scenario, it becomes even more necessary to pick out foods that are healthy and have little or no added sugar, as they may be unhealthy while you’re traveling due to a lack of physical exercise. While on a trip, you may take along foods such as hard-boiled eggs, broccoli, baby carrots, radishes, cucumbers, celery, oranges, apples, and grapes.

6. Drinking Options

To keep up a fit and healthy lifestyle, you must have a water intake of about 1 to 1.5 liters in a day. Apart from water, many smoothies and shakes can help you feel full and satisfied without disturbing your diet. These drinks help in cleaning out your body of harmful toxins and also help you to get fresh and clear skin. Tea and coffee are present in almost every person’s daily diet, and although the caffeine present in these drinks helps you to properly wake up yet, they do not have any nutritional benefit for your body.

Daily Routine

In your daily routine, the best way to have maximum liquid intake is by the consumption of green tea, flavored water, seltzers, detox water, plain water, fresh juices, and coconut water. These drinks do not have a high-calorie count, making them healthy and nutritious for the body. You may also consume fruit and vegetable smoothies and shakes to change your taste palette and enjoy something apart from regular water.

Travel Routine

When traveling, it is better to take fresh water bottles and fill them at different stops. You may also carry fresh juices in your bottles or detox water bottles. Smoothies and shakes are difficult to manage as they may go bad or get spoiled. Cold coffee or tea may also be enjoyed in minimal amounts without any added sugar or sweeteners.

Benefits Of A Good And Healthy Routine With Limited Food Intake

A healthy and balanced intake of foods allows you to be more fit and active. Foods with lessor calories, carbohydrates, and added sugars have proven to be more beneficial and healthy. Numerous diet plans may be tried out by individuals according to their needs or requirement. These plans help in reducing excessive intake of food, which may, in turn, lead to obesity and health-related issue. A limited and balanced intake of nutrients allows you to reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and blood pressure.

Best For Food Fitness Travel Lifestyle Tips

To maintain an eat move make food fitness travel lifestyle, it is recommended that you follow some basic tips. You must manage and measure your weight and keep it in check. Your intake of unhealthy and sugary foods must be limited. You must take multivitamin supplements and drink water to stay hydrated. Regular exercise is recommended to stay healthy and fit. Additionally, you may reduce screen time, get good sleep and stay sober (cut down on alcohol usage).

Living On A Cruise Ship And Its cost

According to CNBC, the best way to travel the world while also maintaining your work schedule is by leasing a room on a mega cruise ship. These ships have dozens of private rooms that you can rent and come equipped with private kitchens, exercise centers, spas, and 24-hour room service.

These cruises may take several months to more than three or four years to come to an end. During this period, the residents on these ships may stay on board and keep working remotely while traveling the world. These ships have fully functioning bars, gyms, swimming pools, schools, libraries, and office spaces. One such luxury cruise ship is the MV Narrative which is an upscale residential ship that will travel around the world in a span of three years.

It will dock at ports for three to five days, allowing residents to explore the area. It costs nearly $300 000 on a 12-year lease for an entry-level studio which is nearly 240 square feet. Other units of the MV Narrative are at around $1 million to 8 million dollars for a life-of-vessel lease.

Insomnia And The Need For Sleeping Pills

Insomnia is a condition where the individual is unable to sleep at night. This lack of sleep negatively affects the body and its ability to function. According to “Healthline,” almost 1 in 3 adults suffer from lack of sleep or insomnia. This condition takes a toll on your physical and mental health. To counter this, experts suggest 30 minutes of daily exercise, but even after this, some people suffer from insomnia and, as a result, tend to turn to sleep pills. Excessive use of these pills causes dependence on them which can be harmful in the long term. Another way to counter this issue is by maintaining good cardiorespiratory fitness through regular exercise. Another research suggested that regular moderate-to-vigorous exercise leads to lesser sleeping issues.

Wellness Gift Ideas For 2023

Staying fit and healthy is the goal of every individual, and you may help others achieve their healthy living goals for 2023 with some wellness gifts. To do so, you must first focus on the needs of others, analyze your budget, select experiential and heart-touching gifts and help others achieve a sense of balance in their lives. These gifts may be for overall health and immunity (health cards, box of vitamins or supplements, immunity gifts sets including sanitizers, masks, and wipes), for active living (minimalist workout gift set, running belt, yoga mat, stability ball, shoes, fitness tracker), for healthy eating (healthy food gift packs, fruit and vegetable baskets, trail mix packs, healthy tea set) or for mental health (massage gift certificate, wellness journal, essential oils, self-help books).

Fun Exercises For Kids

Your kids may also love getting involved in your exercise routine. You may get them moving with exercises such as jump rope games, races, gardening, and dance practices. These activities are fun and helpful in keeping your kids active and healthy. You may also join them in these activities and games to make them even keener to practice these exercises.

Travel Tummy Troubles And Their Prevention

While traveling, you may experience stomach issues or tummy troubles due to changes in environment and food. According to Harvard Health Publishing, traveling disrupts many of the body’s natural rhythms and leads to gastric problems, sleeping issues, and altered eating schedules. Diarrhea is the most common travel-related illness; people experience loose, watery stools with severe cramping. To prevent it, you must stay hydrated, clean your hands, eat hot and fresh food and use over-the-counter products. You may also suffer from constipation, and to prevent it, you must increase your intake of fibers and fluids and use over-the-counter laxatives to move everything along.


In conclusion, we may say that keeping up with the eat move makes food fitness travel lifestyle may be somewhat difficult and challenging. Still, it is surely worthwhile because it allows you to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy, sleeping well, exercising, and traveling around are essentials to a happy and healthy life, and a person must cope with these crucial elements if he wants to stay fit and active.

Feature Image: Pixabay

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