Nutrition Food & Health

Is Low-Fat Milk Beneficial In The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer?

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Is Low-Fat Milk Beneficial In The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that is well-known and understood. It happens a lot in men and is the third most common type of cancer in men. This cancer is caused by things like diet, age, family history, and being overweight. Milk is one of the most common things that causes this. Yes, eating too much dairy can lead to prostate cancer. On the list of things that can cause this cancer are dairy products. Read on to learn more about preventing this cancer and whether low-fat milk is good for prostate.

We’ll tell you about some dairy products you can use instead of milk to avoid this cancer.

What Does The Research Say About Prostate Cancer?

Research has shown that men who consume more milk are more likely to get diagnosed with this cancer than those who consume less. Not only milk but other dairy products can also cause this cancer. Those whose diet does not contain heavy calcium intake are less likely to fall prey to this cancer. Studies have suggested that the association between dairy products and prostate cancer could be due to dairy products’ fat, calcium, and hormone levels.

Does Using Low-Fat Milk Help In The Prevention Of Prostate Cancer?

Studies have shown that those who use less fatty milk are more likely to fall for this cancer. So the answer is no it is not suggested to use low-fat milk because it increases the risk of falling prey to this cancer. Whole milk seems to cause the highest risk, and studies have shown a greater risk associated with low-fat milk. It is suggested to use soy milk or almond milk instead.

Substitutes Of Milk To Avoid Prostate Cancer

It is suggested to use nondairy or low-fat products. These include:

  • Vegan version of your favorite cheese instead of the dairy one.
  • Kefir or low-fat yogurt instead of the normal yogurt.
  • Using almond milk or soy milk instead of normal daily milk.

These are some of the alternatives that you can use; these are completely safe and better than the normal daily use ones. You can easily get them from your nearby local stores.

Is It Safe To Use Soy Milk And Almond Milk For Prostate Cancer?

Many people have this question about whether they can use soy or almond milk for prostate cancer, so the answer is yes, they can. Studies have proven that soy and almond milk are the best alternatives for normal prostate cancer milk. As both of these are non-dairy, so they are not harmful; rather, they are healthy and safe options for those who use milk Every day.

Feature Image: Pixabay

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